Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about the HairCycle Products? We have listed some common Q&A in this section that we received from our customers. If you have questions or concerns about our products, you can use the contact form on our contact page to send your inquiry.

HairCycle Q&A

Dear Dr. Cole, What are the advantages to using Hair Cycle Shampoo?

Hair Cycle Shampoo contains no harsh chemicals that strip your hair of its natural shine.  When used in conjunction with the specially formulated Hair Cycle Conditioner, the line buffers the lubricating fatty acid layer on the outer sheath of hair follicles.  Your treated hair is then less susceptible to building an electrostatic charge, leaving it full-bodied in appearance throughout the day.

You have mentioned in previous questions that Hair Cycle Shampoo contains “natural” ingredients. What harm is there in other products that contain chemicals? Aren’t they in place for my benefit as a consumer?

Well, you raise an interesting question. Yes, the degreasing chemical (sodium lauryl sulfate) in most commercial shampoos can certainly be an asset, but only under extreme conditions. Shark experts have found that this component severely agitates the creature’s sensitive gill filaments causing it to “freak out.” Assuming you are not an avid deep-sea diver, however, repeated use of this harsh astringent would rid your hair of the natural oils necessary for adequate volume and shine.

If the Hair Cycle Shampoo does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate then how can I know it will clean my hair thoroughly?

Hair Cycle Shampoo contains biotin to improve the metabolism of scalp oils while strengthening hair. Additionally, Hair Cycle is formulated with tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract that serve as natural antimicrobial agents. You can be certain that your hair will be clean and healthy after using Hair Cycle.

Hello. i am receiving a hair transplant in 2 days and wanted to know when do i use the biotin spray? Is it immediately after im finished or do i use the saline spray my doctor gives me first?

biotin can be used during the surgery and immediately after the procedure. A light mist should be applied every hour while awake. One should not apply the product too liberally. One does not want the product applied so heavily that it drips down on their forehead. Apply a light mist only to the grafted area and even the donor area if you like.

You can use the saline spray until you receive your order of Biotin or you can use Biotin spray instead of the saline spray.

I have a 2-year-old bottle half used haircycle biotin spray from a previous hair transplant. I just got another hair transplant and I am wondering if it is still safe to use or has it expired?

Hair cycle biotin spray should be effective and safe to use for two years if kept in normal room conditions during that time. If you leave it in extreme cold or heat, then the life span will be less. If your bottle is already 2 years old, you might want to buy a new bottle. You might consider the smaller travel size bottle since you used only 1/2 of your bottle last time. With the biotin spray, you need to apply only a light mist. You do not need to soak your scalp such that it drips down your forehead. The latter is too heavy of an application.

I would like to know if it’s safe to use your products if I am not actually suffering from hair loss. I have not been diagnosed with such a condition nor do I believe I am shedding more hair than I normally should. However, I do think my hair in general is not as thick and does not grow as long as it used to in my younger years. I am 34. I was wondering if I used your shampoo and conditioner if that would help thicken my hair and let it grow longer. And would it be safe to use if I am not suffering from medically diagnosed hair loss

All Haircycle products are made from natural ingredients that are completely safe unless you know that you are allergic to one or more of the ingredients. Topical allergies can occur in anyone. Some people are even allergic to the coins in their pockets or the elastic in their underwear. Of course, such allergies are extremely uncommon including those to the ingredients in Haircycle products.

Haircycle products are specifically formulated to promote longer hair. We feel they may increase the duration of anagen, but they also could increase the rate of hair growth. While Haircycle products are specifically formulated to help those with hair coverage, there is no evidence that they reduce hair loss or reverse hair loss due to male pattern baldness. Haircycle products are very healthy for your scalp and hair. They are safe for all individuals to use and much healthier for your scalp than the majority of shampoos that contain chemical ingredients that are man-made rather than natural.

Hello, I am a hair transplant patient. I had ~2300 FUE grafts done about a week ago. I love the Biotin spray, it’s helping the healing process along, but I have a few questions about it:
1) On my forehead and the scalp area outside of where the grafts are, the skin seems to be peeling slightly, as if after a sunburn. I’m assuming this is because the Biotin spray promotes shedding of dead skin? Just want to make sure this is normal.
2) After all of my scabs are gone, how long should I continue to use the Biotin spray? I have read that it helps with the redness and also makes the grafts more healthy, so continued use makes sense…I just don’t know for how long. And if so, I’m assuming I should decrease my usage from once an hour?
3) Does the biotin spray have any benefit for for other areas of my scalp where the hair is thinning, but did not receive any grafts, such as my crown?

We have noticed that Biotin spray can produce some skin peeling affects, as well. The skin peeling is really a form of a chemical peel. We first noticed that this occurs in some patients about 4 or 5 years ago. We found that the peeling left a younger, fresh layer of skin under the skin that peels. This is highly advantageous and something that many people pay thousands of dollars to achieve. You are getting younger skin at no additional cost. That is one of the advantages of Biotin spray. We were so excited about this that we made a version in a skin cream form that also helps to produce younger skin We never marketed it to the public, but many staff members have been very happy with this low cost, chemical peel that results in younger looking skin.

You may continue to use the Biotin spray until it is gone. It is very healthy for the grafts. We have not done any research into whether Biotin spray helps improve your thinning hair. We are precluded from discussing any affects on hair growth due to limitations imposed by the FDA. Therefore, there is no advantage to studying this.

Yes, they are safe. Cosmetics and hair care products do not go through the rigorous scientific tests to “prove” safety and efficacy (effectiveness) that drugs do, but all the ingredients in Haircycle are what is called “GRAS”, which means “generally regarded as safe”. This is a way that the governmental and regulatory agencies have of stating that these ingredients have been in general use for some time and problems have not been seen, and the manufacturing and scientific community at large accepts their use without reservation. This is the only way that we would have used ANY of these ingredients. There is a possibility that the ingredients in the shampoo and conditioner may cause temporary shedding. The shedding is a sign that the products are functioning properly by pushing the telogen(non-growing) hairs out of the follicles to make way for the new hair.

I would like to know if your Haircycle shampoo is a good as Nizoral? Could you tell me if neosh101 will be available in 2008?, Do you know any news on avodart?

‘Nizoral’ and ‘Haircycle shampoo’ are completely different just like ‘Finasteride’ and ‘Minoxidil’ are completely different. My method of treating ‘hair loss’ has always been to attack it from as many different pathways as possible. We know that Finasteride seems to reduce the production of ‘DHT’. We do not know how Minoxidil works or how Nizoral works.
We do know that Haircycle shampoo prolongs the anagen duration in many people. We do not know that it does this in all people. My recommendation in shampoos is that you use Nizoral twice a week and then Haircycle 5 days a week. Leave all your shampoos on for at least 5 minutes because they are ‘topical agents’ and need contact with the skin to work.

There is no news on ‘Avodart’. There are not likely to be ‘phase 3’ ‘clinical trials ‘

‘Neoshi101’ is not likely to be released in the US any time soon.

You might be able to get your hands on this in by 2009. I doubt it will be available by 2008, but keep your fingers crossed. This product seems to increase the number of hairs in the ‘Anagen phase. I suspect all the products seem to increase the total number of hairs in Anagen. I think that they simply work in different ways. Hairs are like people working in a factory that is in production 24 hours a day. Some of the people work while some of the people rest. ‘Anagen stimulators’ keep hairs awake and growing. They are like having more people working 24-hour shifts for 7 straight days. We know that ‘Finasteride’ really only works well on about 1% of the people. It seems to slow hair loss down to about 80%, but it does nothing for at least 10% of the people. This means that androgenic ‘alopecia’ has multiple causes. It makes sense to treat your hair loss from as many angles as possible until we come up with a safe solution that works equally well in all individuals.

I need the proper shampoo and conditioner for my hair type.

We recommend you a well-balanced diet or vitamins that are essential not only to prevent hair loss but also to promote healthy hair. Hair Cycle products are designed and formulated to nourish hair and allow the hair optimum health. Hair cycles are designed for all types of hair because they are free of harsh chemicals, and use safe natural ingredients that thoroughly cleanse the hair without unnecessary lathering. Natural ingredients combine to prevent premature hair loss and increase hair growth by supplying hair follicles with essential nutrients.

Hair Cycle is a line of Hair care products that were developed by physicians that look different things that address hair loss in the general population as the process involved. These products are natural, effective, and attack the hair loss process from many different angles.

DHT: How Can Hair Cycle Products Minimize its Effects?

One of the most common causes of hair loss in male pattern baldness is the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). While drugs are available to reduce the formation of DHT, may cause unwanted side effects like sexual dysfunction or growth of breast tissue. Hair Cycle products contain all-natural, topical 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and androgen receptor blockers that actually prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT without unpleasant side effects.

The Anagen Phase: How Can Hair Cycle Products Extend It?

The hair growth cycle consists of three phases anagen, the active growth phase; catagen, the transition phase; and telogen, the resting or dormant phase. When hair spends more time in the telogen phase and less in the anagen phase, the result is hair loss and male pattern baldness. Ideally used as part of an overall therapeutic program, Hair Cycle products contain several ingredients that stimulate the anagen phase to thicken the hair shaft, increase the number of growing hairs, and keep hair in the active phase for the fullest cosmetic effect.

Antioxidants: Why are They Important in Fighting Hair Loss?

The formation of free radicals can damage cell membranes and nutrients, causing the breakdown of nitric oxide in the hair. Free radical damage to hair follicle cells after hair transplant surgery can damage the tissues, destroying the recently placed hair grafts. Antioxidants are the best defense against free radical damage because they neutralize free radicals and help to detoxify and protect the body. Just one antioxidant is not enough, it takes a team of antioxidants working together to minimize free radical damage. Hair Cycle products include several powerful, natural antioxidant substances that work to reduce free radical damage on a daily basis and during the critical post-operative period.

Natural Ingredients: Why Are They an Important Part of a Daily Hair Care Routine?

All products in the Hair Cycle system use safe natural ingredients for good reason. Nature knows best. Many of the lathering agents and chemicals found in mainstream hair care products contain substances that can actually harm the skin and scalp. Free of harsh chemicals, Hair Cycle products thoroughly cleanse hair without unnecessary lathering. Natural ingredients combine to prevent premature hair loss and ensure strong, healthy hair by supplying hair follicles with essential nutrients. Like other treatments, Hair Cycle products may take several months to slow or stop hair loss and several more months to achieve the fullest possible cosmetic benefit.

Is hair cycle like the nioxin? Meaning if you stop using the hair cycle, what new hair that you’ve grown while using the hair cycle, u will loose it if you stop using hair cycle. Thanks

Hair Cycle does not grow new hair and neither does Nioxin. It is probable that Nioxin stimulates anagen much like Hair Cycle products do. If you cease using Hair Cycle products, you can expect the anagen duration to decrease. This will not cause hair loss by itself. Rather, the hairs will resume their shorter anagen duration and enter the resting phase in a shorter period of time. If the growing or anagen phase decreases in time, the hairs will enter the resting phase sooner. Each hair has only a finite number of growth cycles. If the growth cycles become shorter, the hairs will have a shorter life span and you will lose them sooner. Therefore, you want to stay on Hair Cycle products for as long as possible to stimulate longer growth periods. This will help to ensure that your hair stays on your head longer and off of your pillow. Imagine that you could apply something that will increase your own life span. If you ceased applying it, you would die sooner. Would you cease applying it? You will not lose the hair that Hair Cycle stimulates. You will only cause the hair to fall out sooner and have a shorter life span.

I’m currently using your shampoo with anagen stimulators – for almost 2 weeks now. I’ve actually noticed that my hair seems to be getting thinner after starting this product. I was just wondering if there is a “normal” shedding period or if I should stop using this product.

Anagen stimulation can occur at many points along the life cycle of a hair. Hairs are always either growing or resting. When a new hair begins to grow, it pushes the old resting, non-growing hair out. This process is much like how an adult tooth pushes out the baby tooth and eventually replaces the temporary tooth with a permanent tooth. Hair, is different than teeth in that hairs have multiple cycles, while teeth have only two. Your thinning may be an indication that the Hair Cycle is stimulating anagen. Stimulation of anagen will result in multiple new hair cycles that push the old, resting, non-growing hairs out. This scenario would be a clear indication that you are responding to Hair Cycle in a very positive manner.

You must understand that all hairs continue to cycle throughout your lifetime and it is believed by many that hairs have only a limited number of cycles in an individual’s lifetime. Prolonging the growing phase for 1 or 2 years can add many years to the life of a hair. This is the basis for Hair Cycle products. Suppose that you add 2 years to each hair on your scalp and each hair has 10 more cycles. You would in theory add up to 20 years life to your hair.

Hair Cycle products are a natural solution to prolonging the life of your hair. They are not going to create new hair or stop your hair loss. Of course prolonging the anagen duration might eventually make your hair look fuller because it will be longer. The primary reason you should use the products is to prolong the life of your hair while scientists and researchers continue their efforts to develop permanent solutions to hair loss.

One other situation you should consider is that your hair may be entering a shedding phase in the natural progression of your hair loss. This is a very common occurrence. Hair loss tends to remain stable for many years and then accelerate like someone who was walking along a plateau but suddenly falls off the edge. When this occurs there is a massive shedding, which is all part of the natural hair loss process. This programmed shedding can occur at any point completely unrelated to the use of any oral or topical products. It might be coincidental that your thinning occurred soon after you began using Hair Cycle products. Regardless, Hair Cycle products are not accelerating your hair loss. They are anagen stimulators and prolong the life of hair as opposed to hair loss inducers. You should continue on the products. They are safe and much healthier than most other shampoos on the market. They will not cause you to lose hair.

can you tell me if your products slow or stop hair loss… i’m only interested in the products to help slow hair loss and not to have a transplant… have you had success with it slowing or halting hair loss or shedding?
Everyone loses hair. In fact, losing around 100 hairs a day is a natural part of the hair growth cycle. But at some point, most people experience excessive hair loss. Whether it’s triggered by hormonal imbalance, stress, medication, exposure to chemicals, nutritional deficiency, thyroid or skin disease, or even childbirth or birth control pills, loss occurs. In most cases, it is a temporary situation, but sometimes can be permanent. Male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss in men, and both are permanent. Fortunately, medications and hair care products can be used to manage hair loss. Hair Cycle hair care products fight hair loss at its root and stimulate anagen and retards hair loss by extending the duration of anagen. The secret is a unique combination of all-natural ingredients that block androgen receptors, ease inflammation, decrease the formation of DHTs and free radicals, and encourage the growth of nitro oxidants and hair follicle cells. Many of the chemicals found in traditional hair care products contain substances that can be harmful to the skin and scalp. The most frequent causes of stress to the scalp are improper hair styling, staining, and hair care ingredients, and insufficient rinsing after shampooing or rinsing with highly chlorinated or contaminated water. In fact, remaining detergents are often the leading cause of scalp irritation, seborrhea, and hair loss. Concentrated shampoos and combined shampoo/conditioners make it very difficult to wash out detergents. Conversely, natural ingredients promote hair recovery after intensive hair treatments and help minimize hair loss. Studies show that the herb Saw Palmetto inhibits DHT formation with no side effects. Aloe Vera enhances cellular regeneration. And rosemary is a purifying, antiseptic agent that removes buildup and stimulates the hair root to grow hair. Green Tea has wonderful antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-dandruff properties and it adds sheen and elasticity to hair. L-argnine boosts nitric oxide levels promotes circulation and aids in the release of human growth hormone. Together, these breakthrough botanical discoveries represent the best chance for compromised hair follicles to begin growing healthy hair again. Hair Cycle products are free of harsh chemicals and use safe natural ingredients that thoroughly cleanse the hair without unnecessary lathering. Natural ingredients combine to prevent premature hair loss and increase anagen stimulation by supplying hair follicles with essential nutrients. Like all herbal remedies, Hair Cycle products may take several months to slow or stop hair loss and to create a healthy hair environment that prolongs anagen. Facts About how Haircycle works Our team of physicians set about designing the Hair Cycle system to create a solution that wasn’t available on the market. Using a safe, all-natural formula, Hair Cycle products are gentle topical treatments that can fight hair loss on multiple fronts while fostering healthy healing. DHT: How Can Hair Cycle Products Minimize its Effects? One of the most common causes of hair loss in men pattern baldness is the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). While drugs are available to reduce the formation of DHT, may cause unwanted side effects like sexual dysfunction or growth of breast tissue. Hair Cycle products contain all-natural, topical 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and androgen receptor blockers that actually prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT without unpleasant side effects. The Anagen Phase: How Can Hair Cycle Products Extend It? The hair growth cycle consists of three phases” anagen, the active growth phase; catagen, the transition phase; and telogen, the resting or dormant phase. When hair spends more time in the telogen phase and less in the anagen phase, the result is hair loss and male pattern baldness. Ideally used as part of an overall therapeutic program, Hair Cycle products contain several ingredients that stimulate the anagen growth phase to increase the number of growing hairs and keep hair in the active phase. Antioxidants: Why are they Important in Fighting Hair Loss? The formation of free radicals can damage cell membranes and nutrients, causing the breakdown of nitric oxide in the hair. If hair follicle cells are damaged by free radicals after hair transplant surgery, this can damage the tissue, destroying the new grafts place. To fight these free radicals, antioxidants are necessary to neutralize them, helping to detoxify and protect the body. There is not one single antioxidant that is most effective. In order to be effective, there must be a team of antioxidants all working together. Hair Cycle products include several powerful, but natural antioxidant substances to reduce free radical damage on a daily basis and during the critical post-operative period. Natural Ingredients: Why Are They an Important Part of a Daily Hair Care Routine? All products in the Hair Cycle system use safe natural ingredients for good reason. Nature knows best. Many of the lathering agents and chemicals found in mainstream hair care products contain substances that can actually harm the skin and scalp. Free of harsh chemicals, Hair Cycle products thoroughly cleanse hair without unnecessary lathering. Natural ingredients combine to prevent premature hair loss and increase anagen stimulation by supplying hair follicles with essential nutrients.

HairCycle speeds up crust removal and promotes faster healing

Recently there was a study published by Bob Bernstein in which he evaluated the effects of scab removal following hair transplantation as a function of time following hair transplant surgery. He found that removal of the scab always resulted in a lost graft through day five following surgery. After day five, the risk of a lost graft reduced in frequency from 100% to 50% through day 8. With HairCycle products, we have found that the scab or crust can be removed by day three under physician supervision. Furthermore, scab reduction by the physician can be accomplished on the second-day post-surgery. This represents a significant time improvement over prior methods to treat the post-operative region following hair transplant surgery.

Physicians should consider Hair Cycle products for reduced erythema, faster healing, and more rapid removal of scabs following hair transplant surgery. Patient surveys show that patients note faster healing, less redness, and more rapid scab removal following the use of Hair Cycle products even when compared to other products currently available.

Hello, i’m a female and my question is can haircycle help increase the hair length?

Females often have problems achieving hair length. Many have their hair cut only twice a year for this reason with minimal increase in length between clippings. You may ask, why cut it at all? They do this in order to shape the hair and remove “split ends”. Women who have followed this bi-annual routine for years have been using Hair Cycle Shampoo and Hair Cycle Conditioner. The two are complimentary and designed to be used together. Typically, women will use two bottles of shampoo for every bottle of conditioner, however. Most men do not use conditioner, but the Hair Cycle Conditioner is a healthy product, especially for those who have problems with their hair growth, shine, etc.

The question was, is their hair length greater because they are not cutting their hair or because of Hair Cycle products? The answer is that they continue to cut their hair along the same schedule, but the females and their hairdressers note an increased length between clippings. The females also note that their hair is fuller and longer than it has ever been.

Hair Cycle has natural ingredients designed to promote anagen, stimulate growth, and convert telogen hairs into growing anagen hairs. They are healthy products for your scalp. Most shampoos will lather much better than Hair Cycle. the lather is really due to sodium laurel sulfate. The lathering agents in most shampoos are basically engined regressors. they are not healthy for your scalp. The latter is something the cosmetic industry tricks you into thinking you need. It is not necessary to clean your scalp and actually has harmful effects. The lather is also something you are not going to want much of following a transplant. following a transplant, you want a clean, healthy environment from a shampoo that produces minimal lather so that you can more easily rinse the product out of your hair. You certainly don’t want to allow a build-up of engine degreaser over fresh incision wounds.

Hair Cycle has anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants along with two natural ingredients that help to digest crusts and protein debris. This is why the crusts lift more easily. If you still have crusts after 10 days, it is because you are not washing your scalp aggressively enough. I recommend that you use a fine tooth comb after 10 days to lift the crusts off your scalp. you will find they come off much easier without loose fragments of hair when you use Hair Cycle. the anti-inflammatories will reduce redness, but they will not eliminate it altogether. those individuals who have bright pink scalps, especially the Irish, are going to have a pink scalp regardless of what you do, but the pinkness can be attenuated or decreased with Hair Cycle products. We also recommend the postoperative wound gel for the donor strip incision line following surgery to promote healing and reduced redness.

I begin using Hair Cycle at the onset of surgery. As soon as the first incision is made we lightly mist the recipient area every hour. we continue this throughout the procedure and every hour while awake in the post-operative phase of the procedure.

We often have hair patients come to us for multiple-day procedures that can span into a second week. we found that the scabs literally lifted off the scalp leaving the grafted hairs in place literally days following the procedure. This is something your physician can do for you if you desire. we do not recommend that you try it immediately after surgery because you might accidentally dislodge a graft. we have not studied it, but I suspect it is safe for you to begin lifting scabs by the 5th day. If you look at wound healing, you see that a rapid proliferative phase begins on the 4th day and collagen bonds begin to form binding graft to incision wound.

What all products do u have for converting telogen hair into anagen. I am already using minoxydil. that does the same thing. also i am in india, how do i pay for ur products.. and what does it costfor a months supply
Haircycle cycle goes from an active growing phase to a resting phase every 3 to 5 years. When they go into a resting phase, they will fall out and you will see these resting hairs on your pillow, brush, and shower drain. By stimulating anagen, you will shed less. Hair Cycle products do not have harsh chemicals and lathering agents that are harmful to your skin and body. Haircycle products have natural ingredients designed to promote anagen, stimulate growth, and convert telogen hairs into growing anagen hairs. The Hair Cycle product line was created in the first place to fill a void in the existing hair care realm. These products are physician formulated, safe, and naturally-based, delivered in a vehicle that is gentle and effective, and leave the hair soft and manageable. The products are ideal for those undergoing hair transplant surgery, and for the millions of men and women worldwide experiencing hair loss. You can use minoxidil and Haircycle products. Just don’t shampoo your hair for 4 hours after applying minoxidil. We offer different kits for your daily use. We also offer international shipping at a reasonable cost. You can place an order online or you can call us directly to 1800-368-4247.

Can i use Biotin spray two month after my Hairtransplantation and can i make a combination with minoxidil ,in the morning minoxidil 5 % PPG free -10% alcohol and in the night Biotinspray on my scalp???, will i grow my transplantation hair when minoxidil and biotinspray used together???

I would apply the biotin one hour after the minoxidil and skip the hour that you apply the minoxidil. For instance, if you apply biotin at 7 am, apply minoxidil at 8 am, and then wait until 9 am to apply the biotin. You can continue to use biotin for 2 or more months after a procedure without concern. I would begin to use hair cycle shampoo and conditioner with minoxidil to stimulate a longer anagen cycle. It is not proven that Hair Cycle will make grafts grow quicker and it is proven that minoxidil will not make grafts grow quicker. There are probably other factors that we are working on related to graft storage mediums that are more important to faster re-growth. we will keep you posted on this research.

Can the post biotin spray be beneficial for use by those that are just suffering from hairloss and/or inflammation and not post transplant care? I was thinking of using it morning and night maybe to calm down inflammation but I know it’s not intended for that.

It would be indicated for this condition. There may also be some seborrheic dermatitis here that it would benefit or just non-specific inflammation. We know that inflammation around the follicles is found in cases of androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness); this does not mean that inflammation is the cause of hair loss, just that it coexists. However, there are many aspects of inflammation that may be deleterious to healthy tissue. In the case of this condition, the ingredients of the Biotin Spray are designed to stimulate the anagen phase, diminish inflammation and free radical formation, nourish hair, and promote healing. Any chronic inflammatory condition damages tissue and good healing will be of benefit.

I would also suggest using 1% Nizoral shampoo once or twice a week for the inflammation, in addition to the Biotin Spray and Hair Cycle shampoo/conditioner.

Is the product that you mentioned adequately tested and tried for human use? I am a potential patient and would like to try the product that promotes hair growth. Does it promote growth of existing hair or new hair?
HairCycle is a hair care product. They are not considered drugs and are not tested per se. All of the ingredients have been tested in the past and are considered safe for human use. We do not strictly consider their products that “re-grow” hair. The HairCycle products are designed and formulated to nourish hair and allow the hair optimum health; also, they are formulated for the post-op period (the biotin spray and post-surgical gel), to be used by hair transplant patients. Anyone who desires healthier hair should consider Hair Cycle products. You can read more about it here: HairCycle use for the active cell multiplication cycle where hairs elongate
Does anyone use the hair cycle shampoo and if so how does it work? Also what other kinds of shampoos do you use with it. Thanks.
Hair Cycle shampoo and conditioners stimulate anagen or the growth phase of hair. By stimulating anagen, hair will grow faster. In addition, stimulation of anagen will increase the number of hairs in the active growing phase. It is important to recognize that hair cycle. They go from an active growing phase to a resting phase every 3 to 5 years. When they go into a resting phase, they will fall out and you will see these resting hairs on your pillow, brush, and shower drain. By stimulating anagen, you will shed less and have fewer hairs on your pillow, etc. Hair Cycle products help keep the hair on your head where it belongs and off of your pillow where it has no value. Women, in particular, love the fact that Hair Cycle shampoo and conditioner used together to make their hair grow faster and longer than it ever has before. The products are natural ingredients that are good for you. Hair Cycle does not have harsh chemicals and lathering agents that are harmful to your skin and body. They are a healthy natural way to stimulate anagen and maintain a healthy environment on the scalp for your hair. Nature knows best. You will not see the lather that most shampoos create simply because this lather is there to make you think it is necessary to create a clean scalp. It is not necessary to clean your scalp. It is actually an engine degreaser. It can be extremely harmful to your skin.
I was wondering if your hair cycle products can be used overall to help slow hair loss?
In answer to this question, it must be kept in mind that we are not offering Hair Cycle products as a cure for hair loss per se, but as a tool to approach the problem of hair loss from as many different angles as possible. Therefore, anagen stimulation, nitric oxide formation, androgen blockade, and decrease in androgen synthesis, diminishing inflammation, and free radical quenching all come together in this product line to ameliorate as many of the causative and coexistent factors of hair loss as possible. For patients seen in consult for their complaints of hair loss, we would recommend a comprehensive program of maximum medical therapy, which would include the Hair Cycle products in addition to other specific agents, as tolerated by the individual patient. For those unable or unwilling to use the currently available pharmacological agents, Hair Cycle could act as a stand-alone program. For those patients desiring to move forward with hair transplant surgery, provided they are reasonable candidates, the Hair Cycle products are specifically formulated for such individuals. However, even if this step is never taken, these hair care products are an excellent choice for those men and women suffering from hair loss.

Is HairCycle something just for post-transplant patients? Or is it something that can be used by anyone?

I was talking with a young lady this morning. she exclaimed that it is really amazing what it has done with her hair. her whole family has noted that it has made a tremendous difference with her hair. she has no hair loss.

HairCycle is a very healthy everyday product for anyone who has hair. it is much healthier than the majority of shampoos on the market. Remember you can fill your body with chemicals and drugs that are FDA-approved, but at the end of the day, nature usually knows best. I am sorry to say that it is not going to help those with psoriasis of the scalp though new formulations may be forthcoming.

Hello, i’m a female and my question is can haircycle help increase the hair length?
Females often have problems achieving hair length. Many have their hair cut only twice a year for this reason with minimal increase in length between clippings. You may ask, why cut it at all? They do this in order to shape the hair and remove “split ends”. Women who have followed this bi-annual routine for years have been using Hair Cycle Shampoo and Hair Cycle Conditioner. The two are complimentary and designed to be used together. Typically, women will use two bottles of shampoo for every bottle of conditioner, however. Most men do not use conditioner, but the Hair Cycle Conditioner is a healthy product, especially for those who have problems with their hair growth, shine, etc. The question was, is their hair length greater because they are not cutting their hair or because of Hair Cycle products? The answer is that they continue to cut their hair along the same schedule, but the females and their hairdressers note an increased length between clippings. The females also note that their hair is fuller and longer than it has ever been. Hair Cycle has natural ingredients designed to promote anagen, stimulate growth, and convert telogen hairs into growing anagen hairs. They are healthy products for your scalp. Most shampoos will lather much better than Hair Cycle. the lather is really due to sodium laurel sulfate. The lathering agents in most shampoos are basically engined regressors. they are not healthy for your scalp. The latter is something the cosmetic industry tricks you into thinking you need. It is not necessary to clean your scalp and actually has harmful effects. The lather is also something you are not going to want much of following a transplant. following a transplant, you want a clean, healthy environment from a shampoo that produces minimal lather so that you can more easily rinse the product out of your hair. You certainly don’t want to allow a build-up of engine degreaser over fresh incision wounds. Hair Cycle has anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants along with two natural ingredients that help to digest crusts and protein debris. This is why the crusts lift more easily. If you still have crusts after 10 days, it is because you are not washing your scalp aggressively enough. I recommend that you use a fine tooth comb after 10 days to lift the crusts off your scalp. you will find they come off much easier without loose fragments of hair when you use Hair Cycle. the anti-inflammatories will reduce redness, but they will not eliminate it altogether. those individuals who have bright pink scalps, especially the Irish, are going to have a pink scalp regardless of what you do, but the pinkness can be attenuated or decreased with Hair Cycle products. We also recommend the postoperative wound gel for the donor strip incision line following surgery to promote healing and reduced redness. I begin using Hair Cycle at the onset of surgery. As soon as the first incision is made we lightly mist the recipient area every hour. we continue this throughout the procedure and every hour while awake in the post-operative phase of the procedure. We often have hair patients come to us for multiple-day procedures that can span into a second week. we found that the scabs literally lifted off the scalp leaving the grafted hairs in place literally days following the procedure. This is something your physician can do for you if you desire. we do not recommend that you try it immediately after surgery because you might accidentally dislodge a graft. we have not studied it, but I suspect it is safe for you to begin lifting scabs by the 5th day. If you look at wound healing, you see that a rapid proliferative phase begins on the 4th day and collagen bonds begin to form binding graft to incision wound.

Scientifically, it has been proven that biotin increases hair growth and prevents scalp dryness. Patients, who took 3000 milligrams of biotin daily, for a period of over six months, experienced stronger nails, reduced acne, and reduced hair fall. Although there is no known Tolerable Upper Limit for biotin, and research has proved that high levels of biotin intake by humans have no known detrimental effects, it is best to take a doctor’s advice before starting a supplement.

Contrary studies also suggest that vitamin H /biotin deficiency is extremely rare as our body naturally produces it with the help of intestinal bacteria. Hence several doctors do not recommend a daily biotin supplement and emphasize on a good daily diet instead.

The HairCycle Product are all natural and contain Biotin, enter the HairCycle store.

Over the last year my hair has completely stopped growing. I used to
have very long hair and got it trimmed regularly.
I have had to stop trimming it as it is now only barely to my shoulders. I am afraid to cut any more of it because the length won’t grow back. I am female and always had long hair, this is a major worry for me.

It is not unusual to see this sort of problem in someone who has used long-term chemical treatments on their hair. This may cause chemical alopecia (hair loss), or telogen effluvium, with shedding and growth retardation.

Obviously, the best course of action is to cease using the products or to find an alternative. A consultation with a dermatologist or a good hair loss/hair restoration physician is in order, so that a definitive diagnosis may be made. Laboratory studies and/or a scalp biopsy might be needed to reveal the true cause and nature of the condition.
We always recommend using the hair cycle products as they help to accelerate anagen. Hair cycle products are an extraordinarily effective and highly potent blend of DHT inhibitors, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, cell proliferates, anagen stimulators, nitric oxide, precursors, and androgen blockers.

General Hair Loss Q&A

Over the last year my hair has completely stopped growing. I used to
have very long hair and got it trimmed regularly.
I have had to stop trimming it as it is now only barely to my shoulders. I am afraid to cut any more of it because the length won’t grow back. I am female and always had long hair, this is a major worry for me.

It is not unusual to see this sort of problem in someone who has used long-term chemical treatments on their hair. This may cause chemical alopecia (hair loss), or telogen effluvium, with shedding and growth retardation.

Obviously, the best course of action is to cease using the products or to find an alternative. A consultation with a dermatologist or a good hair loss/hair restoration physician is in order, so that a definitive diagnosis may be made. Laboratory studies and/or a scalp biopsy might be needed to reveal the true cause and nature of the condition.
We always recommend using the hair cycle products as they help to accelerate anagen. Hair cycle products are an extraordinarily effective and highly potent blend of DHT inhibitors, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, cell proliferates, anagen stimulators, nitric oxide, precursors, and androgen blockers.

We recommend a well-balanced diet and vitamins that are essential not only to prevent hair loss but also to promote healthy hair. Good nutrition is vital to healthy hair growth, just as it’s essential to overall good health. Although your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain proper body functions, there are several that are specific to ‘hair growth[/tag] and health such as the B vitamins, especially B5 Vitamin C and E, ‘biotin[/tag], and ‘Zink[/tag]. It is important to check with your doctor before starting a ‘vitamin[/tag] program, especially if you have health concerns.

‘Hair Cycle care products[/tag] fight hair loss at its root and promote hair growth with ‘natural ingredients[/tag]. Unlike other products that use harsh chemicals, preservatives, lathering agents, and degreasers, Hair Cycle products are formulated to protect the hair and scalp and extend the active growing phase. The secret is a unique combination of all-natural ingredients that block androgen receptors, ease inflammation, decrease the formation of DHTs and free radicals, and encourage the growth of hair of nitro oxidants and hair follicle cells. The Hair cycle products contain vitamins, saw palmetto, biotin and other ingredients to strengthen your hair and make it shiny and healthy.

At this stage, you can start with Propecia 1mg once a day, continue with Rogaine foam 5% and use Hair cycle shampoo and conditioner daily. A ‘dermatologist or hair specialist can prescribe Propecia for you.

We also recommend a well-balanced diet and vitamins that are essential not only to prevent hair loss but also to promote healthy hair. Good nutrition is vital to healthy hair growth, just as it’s essential to overall good health. Although your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain proper body functions, there are several that are specific to hair growth and health such as the B vitamins, especially B5 Vitamin C and E, biotin, and Zinc. It is important to check with your doctor before starting a vitamin program, especially if you have health concerns.

I started to use a re-growth treatment, Minoxidil 5% 2 weeks ago. I am class 3 in the Norwood-Hamilton classification. What are the other non-medicinal shampoo I can use? or what else I can used to speed -up the growth of my hair?

You should keep using Minoxidil 5% which stimulates the anagen phase and gives strength and thickness to your hairs and start using Hair Cycle care products. Hair Cycle hair shampoo fights hair loss at its root and promotes hair growth with natural ingredients. Unlike other products that use harsh chemicals, preservatives, lathering agents, and degreasers, Hair Cycle products are formulated to protect the hair and scalp and extend the active growing phase. The secret is a unique combination of all-natural ingredients that block androgen receptors, ease inflammation, decrease the formation of DHTs and free radicals, and encourage the growth of hair of nitro oxidants and hair follicle cells. The hair cycle products contain vitamins, saw palmetto, biotin, and others ingredients to strengthen your hair and make it shiny and healthy. This therapy will help you to stabilize your hair loss. Later on, you can consider taking Propecia to get a maximum benefit for a long time.

You could consider using Rogaine Foam 5% which does not contain alcohol. It does evaporate right away without the grease effects.

We also recommend a well-balanced diet and vitamins that are essential not only to prevent hair loss but also to promote healthy hair. Good nutrition is vital to healthy hair growth, just as it’s essential to overall good health. Although your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain proper body functions, there are several that are specific to hair growth and health such as the B vitamins, especially B5 Vitamin C and E, biotin, and Zink. It is important to check with your doctor before starting a vitamin program, especially if you have health concerns.

Hair Cycle care products fight hair loss at its root and promote hair growth with natural ingredients. Unlike other products that use harsh chemicals, preservatives, lathering agents, and degreasers, Hair Cycle products are formulated to protect the hair and scalp and extend the active growing phase. The secret is a unique combination of all-natural ingredients that block androgen receptors, ease inflammation, decrease the formation of DHTs and free radicals, and encourage the growth of hair of nitro oxidants and hair follicle cells. The hair cycle contains vitamins, saw palmetto, biotin, and others ingredients to strengthen your hair and make it shiny and healthy. Like most natural remedies, Hair Cycle products may take several months to slow the hair loss process.

We also recommend a well-balanced diet and vitamins that are essential not only to prevent hair loss but also to promote healthy hair. Good nutrition is vital to healthy hair growth, just as it’s essential to overall good health. Although your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain proper body functions, there are several that are specific to hair growth and health such as the B vitamins, especially B5 Vitamin C and E, biotin, and Zinc. It is important to check with your doctor before starting a vitamin program, especially if you have health concerns.

Many people notice rapid hair loss as a symptom of their hyperthyroidism(thyroid hormone production is above normal) or hypothyroidism(thyroid hormone production is below normal). When the body is in crisis, the hair cells can shut down to redirect energy elsewhere. The types of situations that can cause hair loss include hormonal changes, poor diet and nutritional deficiencies, a variety of medications, surgery, and many medical conditions, but noticeably, thyroid disease. Some key points for dealing with hair loss include:
* Getting evaluated by a dermatologist
* Making sure it’s not your thyroid drug (it can be a side effect)
* Making sure you aren’t being undertreated
* Consulting with a doctor to see if you have any nutritional deficiencies that can be correct with supplements
* Considering alternative treatments

The first question you should answer is, do you have any hair loss in your family history? If you do, you can study the cause of their hair problems, which might shed light on what is causing your particular problem.
Second, you are on two medications that can cause hair loss. One is Prozac and the other is Atenolol. We certainly do not recommend you discontinue the Atenolol with your cardiac history, but you must be aware that it can cause hair loss. There are no reports that either medication will stop hair growth. Other things can cause hair loss. One is the thyroid, but you should also rule out increased levels of male hormones or problems with your hormones. Check a DHEA level, testosterone level, FSH, T4, TSH, and Ferritin Level to check your iron stores, and CBC to evaluate you for anemia. A well-balanced diet or vitamins are essential to hair growth.
It seems that your problem seems to be primarily that your hair is not growing any longer. This can be a problem for some females. There are many females who find that the anagen stimulators in Hair Cycle shampoo and conditioner produce a healthy hair environment that prolongs anagen. Therefore, it is definitely something you should consider.
Hair length is completely dependent on the duration of anagen or the growing phase of hair. Something has retarded the duration of anagen in your case. It could be nutritional or it could be some other physiological condition that you will have for the short term or chronically. Perhaps it is a medication effect even though it is not mentioned in the literature as a side effect of any of your medications. Blow drying should not have a negative effect on your hair.

Try the Hair Cycle products and let us know if it improves your hair length. It definitely does promote anagen or the growing phase of hair.

About your dry and lusterless hair, HairCycle can definitely help in this aspect. Many customers report that their hair becomes more manageable from using haircycle shampoo and conditioner rapidly.
HairCycle also contains saw palmetto but DHT Inhibitors might not be a big help if your hair loss is not coming from the male bald pattern. so it should be taken in combination with other medications.

If you are losing hair from the “permanent zone”, it could be something other than male pattern baldness. It is not typical to lose from the back and sides. If this is truly the nature of your hair loss, you need to see a dermatologist.

I’m 52 years old and my hair is turning grey. Is there any way of restoring my natural color besides hair coloring?

Whatever the stage of your life, going gray is an inevitable part of getting older. There are many causes for gray hair such as genes, age, and medical conditions…factors completely beyond your control. The most common reason is age. As we age the cells that generate the color for our hair called Melanocytes degenerates and isn’t able to feed the hair follicles as well as they use to. This will result in the pigment in the hair follicle losing its color properties. The hair will end up losing all its color and become transparent.
The science behind our hair going gray is down to the cells in our hair follicles called Melanocytes. These little cells generate the pigment in our hair and they are usually healthy and generous in our youth. As we get older these Melanocytes start generating less pigment in the hair follicle giving the hair strand a slightly transparent appearance.
There are medical conditions that can cause our hair to go gray as well. These can be due to a B12 deficiency or a thyroid condition. In this case, we can help these cells from breaking down by following a healthy diet. Being deficient in B12 can also be a reason for your Gray hair. To prevent this you need to ensure you take regular dosages of B12 as well as folic acid and biotin. Some of us may be lucky enough to keep our natural hair color for a lot longer and will only end up with gray hair in our 50s and 60s. Whatever the stage of your life, going gray is an inevitable part of getting older.
Your hair will go gray and will increase in appearance over the next few years. Gray hair, in reality, is not a bad thing. It is part of a normal process.

I wore my pony tails too tight without realizing my hair was thinning because of it not growing. Can I rejuvenate or stimulate new hair growth in areas that seem bald?

In fact, ponytails can cause permanent hair loss. Any hairstyle that pulls on the scalp for a long period of time can cause hair loss. The hair loss can be reversed if the hairstyle is changed in time… but prolonged wear can lead to permanent loss. Styles to be careful with include tight ponytails & braids, cornrows, buns, chignons, and twists. You should also be careful with hair extensions that are glued or sewn into the hair, as well as with hairpins that secure hats for hours at a time. Women who wear ponytails report that their hair is no longer growing, when in fact it is repeatedly broken at the same distance from the scalp due to the trauma caused by the tight rubber band. Signs to watch out for include an itchy red scalp, tension headaches, hair breakage around the scalp, and random bald patches.

If you have noticed any of these symptoms of traction alopecia, you must stop wearing the offending hairstyle immediately. You should try Minoxidil (Rogaine) first for at least 6 months, and then see a doctor about a possible hair transplant.

Before I grew out my hair, I had a swirl at the front of my hairline, I was wondering if there was anything that can done to prevent the swirl from being there when I cut my hair. Can you please let me know? I will get surgery if it will fix this problem?

A Hair whorl or swirl is a patch of hair growing in the opposite direction of the rest of the hair. The swirls are part of each individual’s genetics. It is not anything to prevent the swirl because hair whorl is established before birth. The facts suggest that this set of traits is genetic and not environmentally influenced. Surgery would not be a good idea, because nature is always obviously the most natural.

Recent researches show a correlation between handedness and the orientation of hair whorls on the scalp, suggesting the possibility that the same system that patterns hair may also play a role in left-right asymmetry in the brain. Left-handedness is genetic or at least has a genetic component, but the genetic basis is still not clear. Left-handed people have a 50% chance of having a counterclockwise hair whorl and vice versa. In families with no left-handedness at all, there are no counterclockwise hair whorls.

I am experiencing falling of hair of head in increasing rate after straighting the hair with chemicals. i need to make my hair thicker, stronger and denser again.

First of all, stop the use of chemicals on the hair. If this coincided with the hair loss, then it is obvious it has to stop. The hair may return in time. It may have been a telogen effluvium. A considerable number of different causes for telogen effluvium exist. Among the common causes are high fevers, severe infections, severe chronic illness, severe psychological stress, major surgery or illnesses, over or under-active thyroid gland, crash diets with inadequate protein, and a variety of medications. Most hair loss from medications is this type and causes include retinoids, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, antidepressants, and NSAIDS (including ibuprofen).

No treatment is needed for most cases of telogen effluvium. Remember that the hairs fall out when a new hair growing beneath it pushes it out. Thus with this type of hair loss, hair falling out is a sign of hair regrowth. As the new hair first comes up through the scalp and pushes out the dead hair a fine fringe of new hair is often evident along the forehead hairline.

The most important issue in telogen effluvium is to determine if an underlying cause for the problem is present. Blood tests may need to be done if the cause is not obvious, such as mild iron deficiency. If the telogen effluvium is caused by a medication, the medication needs to be stopped. When the cause of the hair loss is something like giving birth, a transient illness, or other self-limited problem the induced telogen effluvium is also usually self-limited and requires no treatment.

I am a female of 15 years of age and have traction alopecia because I tie my hair back too tightly and have been doing it for 4-5 years-if I change my hairstyle, will my hair grow back

Traction alopecia is hair loss that is caused by long-term hair pulling and breakage due to very tight ponytails, hair weaves, and cornrows. Depending on the stage that the hair loss caused by Traction Alopecia has reached, it is possible to grow some hair back and stop any further hair loss as long as no further tension is applied to the areas. Very often traction alopecia is not reversible because the follicle is destroyed. However, at your young age, this may not be the case. The doctor recommended seeing a hair specialist who may want to put you on 2% Minoxidil to try to help the hair grow back. If all else fails, transplantation will be the next option. Good luck and please don’t go back to the tightly pulled hairstyles!

I have this bald spot that grows then falls out I had a ringworm when I was a child and where the ringworm was that’s where the bald spot is. I’ve tried almost every hair growing product and nothing. Some of them worked and my hair still fell out like a few months after it grew. Now there’s a spot in the back of my head that does the same thing (more like my hair line in the back).I just don’t know what to do anymore my hair has been short ever since the ringworm. I want it to grow. I don’t want anymore weaves or hair extensions so if you can help I’d appreciate it

It may not be ringworm, may possibly be something like alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is the name for a condition in which round patches of hair loss appear suddenly. The hair-growing tissue is attacked by the patient’s own immune cells for unknown reasons.

There are three stages: first, there is sudden hair loss, then the patches of hair loss enlarge, and last, new hair grows back. This process takes months; sometimes more than a year, but rarely does the hair ever grow back. There is every chance that your hair will re-grow, but it may also fall out again. No one can predict when it might re-grow or fall out.

The course of the disease varies from person to person. Some people lose just a few patches of hair, then the hair re-grows, and the condition never recurs. Other people continue to lose and re-grow hair for many years. You may need a scalp biopsy performed by a competent hair replacement doctor.

If you notice any of these symptoms of traction alopecia, stop wearing the offending hairstyle immediately.
We recommend you a well-balanced diet or vitamins that are essential not only to prevent hair loss but also to promote healthy hair. Hair Cycle products are designed and formulated to nourish hair and allow the hair optimum health and stimulate growth. Natural ingredients combine to prevent premature hair loss and increase hair growth by supplying hair follicles with essential nutrients. There exist a number of substances that are known to stimulate the growth phase of the hair cycle. These growth inducers may be systemic or topical; one of the best things about topical application is that one avoids potential side effects. The Hair Cycle product line contains several growth inducers in topical form. This, along with androgen inhibitors, anti-inflammatories, nitric oxide stimulators, and antioxidants, may help as part of an overall therapeutic plan to deal with the problem of hair loss.

Hair Restoration Q&A

I am 3 weeks post op from a hair transplant surgery and am looking to get some Biotin Spray to help with recipient area redness.

Thank you for your inquiry. Individuals who undergo hair transplant surgery for hair loss, particularly those who have a large procedure are prone to redness after surgery. Individuals with fair skin or skin that is pink prior to a procedure are more prone to post-operative redness. Redness is a sign of inflammation. Hair cycle products are designed to reduce inflammation and redness. We will be happy to send you some biotin spray as this may help to speed your recovery and reduce redness. It helps to get rid of scabbing and redness faster. It has also been reported to promote faster hair re-growth. In order to get the most benefit of the Biotin spray, you should begin using it every hour during your procedure and continue a light mist of the recipient area every hour after the procedure while awake. Don’t worry about waking up every hour while asleep. A full night’s rest is important to the healing process too. Since you are already three weeks out from your procedure, you will not get all the benefits of the Biotin Spray. Still, it is good to begin using it now as it is very healthy for your grafts.

Don’t forget that the shampoo and conditioner are very healthy for your hair and your hair loss. The shampoo has been reported to speed up the growth rate of hair. This can be very important to those with thinner hair, particularly those with fine hair or with hair loss.

Why is it important to remove crusting and scabs from areas that are trying to heal post hair restoration surgery?

In the first few hours after an incision is made, a coagulum or scab forms over the cut. Between 12 and 72 hours, skin cells divide and multiply. The new skin cells migrate across the wound. The dried crust over the wound is a barrier to the new skin cells. Rather than being able to glide straight across the wound, they must go under the crust, creating a shallow depression in the healing.

Initial scabbing is advantageous. It helps to hold the graft in place. But by the fourth day, scabbing is no longer necessary. Scabs provide a warm, moist environment that encourages bacterial growth. Bacteria cause a build-up of debris and waste products. This can cause an inflammatory response, which can be detrimental to growth. It is best at this point to remove the scabs. Hair Cycle biotin spray contains enzymes that dissolve crusts and scabs. Not only does this look better cosmetically, but it also promotes safe correct healing.

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